Annual Report on Exchange Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions 1985

This paper discusses developments in the international exchange rate and restrictive systems. Global output and trade recovered strongly in 1984, as inflation in the industrial countries remained relatively subdued and further progress in developing countries was made in tackling the problem of overindebtedness. Restrictive exchange practices in the form of multiple exchange rates have been substantially reduced in 1984. Multilateral restructurings of obligations have been large in 1983, amounting to some SDR 60 billion, as compared with SDR 6 billion in 1982.
Publication date: August 1985
ISBN: 9781616352011
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This title contains information about the following subjects. Click on a subject if you would like to see other titles with the same subjects.

Finance , Money and Monetary Policy , International - Economics , foreign exchange , foreign currency , exchange control , exchange rate , foreign investment , foreign trade , foreign currencies , direct investment , exchange rates , exchange transactions , foreign bank , direct investments , foreign capital , foreign investments , foreign nationa
