Finance & Development, September 2006

The Economics of Demographics provides a detailed look at how the biggest demographic upheaval in history is affecting global development. The issue explores demographic change and the effects of population aging from a variety of angles, including pensions, health care, financial markets, and migration, and looks specifically at the impact in Europe and Asia. Picture This looks at global demographic trends, while Back to Basics explains the concept of the demographic dividend. Country Focus spotlights Kazakhstan, while People in Economics profiles Nobel prize winner Robert Mundell. IMF Economic Counsellor Raghuram Rajan argues for further change in India's style of government in his column, Straight Talk.
Publication date: August 2006
ISBN: 9781451922486
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Topics covered in this book

This title contains information about the following subjects. Click on a subject if you would like to see other titles with the same subjects.

Emigration and Immigration , Emigration and Immigration , migration , international monetary fund , mass migration , emigration , Labor market , Dividends , Economists , Emigration And Immigration , History , European Economic And Monetary Union (emu) , Finance , Infants , Mortality , Information , International Economics , Life Expectancy
