Fiscal Risks

Sources, Disclosure, and Management

This paper analyzes the main sources of fiscal risks, including from unexpected changes in macroeconomic variables and banking crises, which can have major consequences for countries' fiscal and public debt sustainability. It builds on an overview of existing practices in a wide range of countries to provide practical suggestions on how to promote disclosure of such risks and on risk mitigation and management. The paper was written in response to requests from IMF member countries for advice on this subject. The paper also includes an example of a possible statement of fiscal risks.
Publication date: January 2009
ISBN: 9781589067905
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Topics covered in this book

This title contains information about the following subjects. Click on a subject if you would like to see other titles with the same subjects.

Economics / General , International - Economics , Public Policy , fiscal risks , contingent liabilities , fiscal risk , fiscal transparency , budget process , annual budget , fiscal policy , government guarantees , exchange rate , contingent liability , financial management , fiscal costs , public finance , fiscal variables , fiscal balance , accoun
