Commodity Price Shocks and Fiscal Outcomes

Working Paper No. 12/112

The experience of developing countries over 1990-2010 indicates that commodity prices have a significant impact on fiscal outcomes. Both revenue and expenditure rise in response to commodity (import or export) price increases; the response of the fiscal deficit is ambiguous. A floating exchange rate regime only partially offsets the impact; foreign-exchange reserves do not dampen the effects. Hence, there is a strong case for fiscal hedging against commodity price shocks. Hedging instruments based on a limited set of benchmark world prices for a narrow set of commodities may suffice to realize most of the potential benefits.
Publication date: May 2012
ISBN: 9781475503333
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Exports and Imports , International - Economics , Commodity Prices , Commodity Booms , Hedging , Exchange Rate Regimes , External Shocks , Floating Exchange Rates , Low-income Developing Countries
