IMF Survey, Volume 31, Issue 21

Tanzanian President Benjamin William Mkapa's remarks on the inauguration of East AFRITAC could not have been clearer or more emphatic. If Africa is to define its own economic destiny, it must strengthen its ability to design and implement sound economic policies. And policy ownership and capacity building are what the new regional technical assistance center, which opened October 24 in Dar es Salaam, is all about.
Publication date: January 2002
ISBN: 9781451926149
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Topics covered in this book

This title contains information about the following subjects. Click on a subject if you would like to see other titles with the same subjects.

International Relations - Trade and Tariffs , International Relations - Trade and Tariffs , Political Process- General , Political Process- General , technical assistance , capacity-building , member countries , public expenditure , monetary policy , East afritac opening
