Morocco: Financial Sector Assessment Program : Technical Note-Crisis Management, Bank Resolution, and Financial Sector Safety Net

In order to accompany the expansion of the banking system, the Moroccan authorities have achieved tremendous progresses as regards crisis management, bank resolution, and safety nets. A macroprudential committee composed of BAM, ACAPS, AFM, and MoF has been established to coordinate supervisory actions and manage crisis. Each of the supervisory agencies have various early interventions tools. Sound banking resolution mechanisms have recently been established in the banking law. A financial stability mandate is about to be entrusted to BAM, which shall be formally authorized to take exceptional measures (including the extension of emergency liquidity assistance). The deposit guarantee scheme has also been reshuffled, with the creation of two separate compartments, one for participative banks2 and another one for conventional banks. All
Publication date: November 2016
ISBN: 9781475546019
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Money and Monetary Policy , International - Economics , Public Policy ,
