A Framework for Systemwide Liquidity Analysis

A Framework for Systemwide Liquidity Analysis
Volume/Issue: Volume 2024 Issue 104
Publication date: May 2024
ISBN: 9798400277078
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We developed a novel Systemwide Liquidity (SWL) framework to identify liquidity stress in the system that goes beyond banks and to assess the role played by non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs) in episodes of liquidity stress. The framework, which complements standard liquidity and interconnectedness analyses, traces the flow of liquidity among various agents in the economy and explores possible transmission channels and amplification mechanisms of correlated liquidity shocks. The framework uses unique balance sheet and asset encumbrance data to demonstrate the importance of assessing liquidity at the system level by allowing for (i) analyses of each agent’s contribution to liquidity stress, (ii) analyses of the impact of different behavioral assumptions (e.g., pecking order of collateral utilization, negative externalities of fire-sales and margin positions), and (iii) policy simulations. Since this framework covers a comprehensive set of financial instruments and transactions, it paves the way for harmonization of systemwide liquidity analysis across countries. We applied this general framework to Mexico in the context of the FSAP. Results for Mexico show that commercial banks safeguard the resiliency of the financial system by backstopping the liquidity needs of other agents. Moreover, certain sectors appear more vulnerable when binding regulatory liquidity constraints trigger risk-averse behavioral responses.