A Model of Exchange Rate Regime Choice in the Transitional Economies of Central and Eastern Europe

The paper develops a model of exchange rate regime choice centered on the trade-off between internal price stability and external competitiveness and allowing for institutional costs of altering exchange rate arrangements. The main implication of the model is a nonlinear relationship between the rate of inflation and the choice of regime for the next period. The model also suggests that a major inflationary shock-like the one to which all Central and Eastern European economies were subject when they allowed prices to be determined by the market-should give rise to a tightening of the exchange rate regime, followed by a gradual introduction of more flexibility as inflation subsides. A series of regressions on a sample of 13 Central and Eastern European economies yield results consistent with the hypothesis.
Publication date: September 2001
ISBN: 9781451856125
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Inflation , Inflation , Money and Monetary Policy , Money and Monetary Policy , Transition , exchange rate , exchange rate regime , exchange rate regimes , Open Economy Macroeconomics , Slovakia , Macedonia , The Former Yugoslav Republic of
