A Model of the Lender of Last Resort

This paper develops a model of the lender of last resort. It provides an analytical basis for "too big too fail" and a rationale for "constructive ambiguity". Key results are that if contagion (moral hazard) is the main concern, the Central Bank (CB) will have an excessive (little) incentive to rescue banks and the resulting equilibrium risk level is high (low). When both contagion and moral hazard are jointly analyzed, the CB's incentives to rescue are only slightly weaker than with contagion alone. The CB's optimal policy may be non-monotonic in bank size.
Publication date: March 1999
ISBN: 9781451845815
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Topics covered in this book

This title contains information about the following subjects. Click on a subject if you would like to see other titles with the same subjects.

Banks and Banking , Banks and Banking , Finance , Finance , Banking Crises , Financial Contagion , Moral Hazard , Lender of Last Resort , contagion , banking , bank size , banking system , bank failures
