Assessing Banking Sector Soundness in a Long-Term Framework : The Case of Venezuela

This paper combines financial soundness indicators (FSIs) and stress-testing methodologies to provide a broad assessment of the soundness of Venezuela's banking sector, based on a diagnosis of its structural and transient shortcomings. While the Venezuelan banking sector appears sound under current favorable economic conditions, it remains significantly vulnerable to cyclical downturns-which have been severe in the past. Banks are particularly exposed to interest rate and credit risks. This suggests that the strong FSIs may be partly the result of a conjunctural credit boom in the context of capital controls and very low real interest rates.
Publication date: October 2006
ISBN: 9781451864854
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Economics- Macroeconomics , Economics / General , International - Economics , financial soundness , macroprudential analysis , stress tests Venezuela , banking , capital adequacy , capital adequacy ratio , liquid asset , Financial Markets and the Macroeconomy , Financial Institutions and Services: Government Policy and Regulation , Venezuela , Republi
