Autocorrelation-Corrected Standard Errors in Panel Probits : An Application to Currency Crisis Prediction

Many estimates of early-warning-system (EWS) models of currency crisis have reported incorrect standard errors because of serial correlation in the context of panel probit regressions. This paper documents the magnitude of the problem, proposes and tests a solution, and applies it to previously published EWS estimates. We find that (1) the uncorrected probit estimates substantially underestimate the true standard errors, by up to a factor of four; (2) a heteroskedasicity- and autocorrelation-corrected (HAC) procedure produces accurate estimates; and (3) most variables from the original models remain significant, though substantially less so than had been previously thought.
Publication date: March 2004
ISBN: 9781451845860
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Finance , Finance , Currency crisis , early-warning systems , serial correlation , panel probit , standard errors , bootstrap , standard error , correlation , Simulation Methods , Macroeconomic Aspects of International Trade and Finance: Forecasting and Simulation
