Cape Verde:Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper Preparation Status Report

Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper Preparation Status Report
Volume/Issue: Volume 2004 Issue 302
Publication date: September 2004
ISBN: 9781451809282
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Topics covered in this book

This title contains information about the following subjects. Click on a subject if you would like to see other titles with the same subjects.

Public Policy - Social Services and Welfare , Demography , Poverty and Homelessness , ISCR , CR , DECRP , government , policy , poverty profile , DECRP preparation process , reduction poverty , Policy measure , reduction poverty in Equity , equity implications of poverty , Poverty reduction strategy , Poverty reduction

Also of interest

This paper focuses on Cape Verde’s Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (DECRP). The Strategy of Growth and Poverty Reduction is an integral part of a strategic planning process. The institutional framework for the implementation of the DECRP is based on the existing administrative structures, incorporating such functional restructuring operations as are deemed appropriate. The final version of the DECRP will reflect enhanced coordination and a focus on policy consistency for those issues addressed in the preliminary version alongside other matters not dealt with in sufficient detail.