Chad: Staff Monitored Program

Volume/Issue: Volume 2009 Issue 206
Publication date: July 2009
ISBN: 9781451836516
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Topics covered in this book

This title contains information about the following subjects. Click on a subject if you would like to see other titles with the same subjects.

Economics- Macroeconomics , Public Finance , Business and Economics - Statistics , Taxation - General , ISCR , CR , GDP , oil revenue , Chad , holding , Chadian authorities , oil GDP , financial asset , common currency , BEAC foreign exchange holding , CFA franc banknote , Oil , gas and mining taxes , Oil prices , Budget planning and preparation , Global , Central Africa

Also of interest

The Chadian authorities have requested a staff-monitored program (SMP) during April–October 2009 to demonstrate improvements in fiscal policy and public financial management. The objective is to re-establish their economic management and reform credentials with international development partners, with a view to increasing donor support for their poverty reduction strategy. The cornerstone of this SMP is the implementation of a revised budget for 2009 based on a realistic oil price assumption. The SMP also aims to signal a clear return to an orderly budgetary framework by curtailing the use of exceptional budgetary procedures.