Fintech: Financial Inclusion or Exclusion?

Fintech: Financial Inclusion or Exclusion?
Publication date: May 2022
ISBN: 9798400208645
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Topics covered in this book

This title contains information about the following subjects. Click on a subject if you would like to see other titles with the same subjects.

Finance , Economics- Macroeconomics , Economics / General , Gender Studies , Fintech , Financial Inclusion , Financial Development , Inequality , Fintech development , class divide , role of Fintech , appendix A , data definition , Fintech proxy , Digital financial services , Gender inequality , Mobile banking , East Asia , Caribbean , Asia and Pacific , Global , Middle East , Southeast Asia


This paper examines the role of Fintech in financial inclusion. Using Global Findex data and emerging fintech indicators, we find that Fintech has a higher positive correlation with digital financial inclusion than traditional measures of financial inclusion. In the second stage of our empirical investigation, we examine the key factors that are correlated with the Fletcher School’s three digital divide – gender divide, class (rich-poor) divide and rural divide. The results indicate that greater use of fintech is significantly associated with a narrowing of the class divide and rural divide but there was no impact on the gender divide. These findings imply that Fintech alone may not be sufficient to close the gender gap in access to financial services. Fintech development may need to be complemented with targeted policy initiatives aimed at addressing the gender gap directly, and at changing attitudes and social norms across demographics.