Global and Regional Surveillance Reports (Package 5)

Influential decision makers worldwide value the IMF's World Economic Outlook (WEO) and the complementary Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR) as uniquely authoritative assessments of the international economic situation. Each is published in the spring and the fall, with updates during the year as necessary. Readers look to the World Economic Outlook for balance and global perspective and refer to it with the utmost confidence. Each WEO presents the IMF's analysis and projections of economic developments at the global level, in major country groups (classified by region, stage of development, etc.), and for many individual countries. The WEO focuses on major economic policy issues as well as on economic trends and prospects. Critical developments are placed in context, while recommendations are informed by the IMF's role and responsibility in the world's economy. The Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR) seeks to identify potential fault lines in the global financial system that could lead to crisis, while providing comprehensive coverage of mature and emerging financial markets. The GFSR focuses on current conditions in global financial markets, highlighting both financial imbalances and issues of a structural nature that could pose risks to financial market stability and market access by emerging market borrowers. The GFSR regularly offers articles on structural or systemic issues relevant to international financial stability. Each GFSR is designed to deepen understanding of global capital flows, which play a critical role as an engine of world economic growth.
Publication date: November 2016
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