"Original Sin," Balance Sheet Crises, and the Roles of International Lending

We present a stylized framework which encompasses a variety of "balance sheet approaches" to currency crises that have been suggested in the literature, and analyze their policy implications. The common theme is that currency and maturity mismatches in private sector balance sheets constrain the capacity of monetary and fiscal policies to deal with self-fulfilling capital account crises, and generate a role for international crisis lending. International lending could be used to back domestic last-resort lending to banks, or to loosen fiscal constraints. Provided they have a sound fiscal position in normal times, this can make countries immune to self-fulfilling crises.
Publication date: December 2002
ISBN: 9781451875638
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Finance , Finance , Money and Monetary Policy , Money and Monetary Policy , balance sheet mismatches , international lending , exchange rate , exchange rates , crisis lending , exchange rate expectations , bank runs , International Monetary Arrangements and Institutions , International Lending and Debt Problems
