Regional Economic Outlook, May 2013

Sub-Saharan Africa: Building Momentum in a Multi-Speed World

Growth remained strong in the region in 2012, with regional GDP rates increasing in most countries (excluding Nigeria and South Africa). Projections point to a moderate, broad-based acceleration in growth to around 5½ percent in 2013-14, reflecting a gradually strengthening global economy and robust domestic demand. Investment in export-oriented sectors remains an important economic driver, and an agriculture rebound in drought-affected areas will also help growth. Uncertainties in the global economy are the main risk to the region's outlook, but plausible adverse shocks would likely not have a large effect on the region's overall performance.
Publication date: May 2013
ISBN: 9781484365151
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Economics- Macroeconomics , International - Economics , Public Policy , bond , bonds , sovereign bonds , sovereign bond , exchange rate , public debt , inflation , exchange rate pegs , debt sustainability , debt relief , importing countries , exporting countries , oil-importing countries , external debt , current account , fiscal policy , exchange rate deve
