Republic of Mozambique : Fourth Review Under the Policy Support Instrument and Request for Modification of Assessment Criteria: Staff Report; Debt Sustainability Analysis; Press Release on the Executive Board Discussion; and Statement by the Executive Dir

Fourth Review Under the Policy Support Instrument and Request for Modification of Assessment Criteria: Staff Report; Debt Sustainability Analysis; Press Release on the Executive Board Discussion; and Statement by the Executive Director for Mozambique.

The Mozambican economy recorded a strong performance in 2011, showing little sign of being affected by the global turmoil. Given the declining trend in foreign aid in the medium term, the government is tapping more into nonconcessional borrowing to close the infrastructure gap. To promote inclusive growth, the government has launched a series of initiatives to implement the Poverty Reduction Strategy including an overhaul of social protection programs. Reform momentum needs to be maintained, as implementation challenges are enormous and administrative capacity and coordination need to be upgraded.
Publication date: June 2012
ISBN: 9781475504521
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Money and Monetary Policy , International - Economics , Public Policy , external debt , debt service , public debt , fiscal space , budget law , debt sustainability , fiscal policy , current account , debt service payments , external debt service , budget support , domestic financing , reserve assets , fiscal deficit , external financing , external paymen
