Sectorial Macroeconomic Interdependencies : Evidence for Latin America, East Asia and Europe

This paper analyzes common economic patterns across countries and economic sectors in Latin America, East Asia and Europe for the period 1970-94 by means of an error-components model that decomposes real value added growth in each country into common international effects, sector-specific effects and country-specific effects. We find significant comovements in the European and East Asian samples. In the Latin American sample, however, we find country-specific components to be more important than common patterns. These results are robust to different sub-sample time spans and different sub-sample country groups.
Publication date: January 1999
ISBN: 9781451842760
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International - Economics , International - Economics , Natural Resources , Natural Resources , International Comovements , Currency Areas , Error Components Models , common , output growth , andean pact , trade integration , regional trade
