The mission was undertaken in the context of a capacity development (CD) project that assisted the authorities to enact a new AML/CFT law in November 2022 and amend AML/CFT secondary legislation and related components of sectoral legislation. During the mission, staff discussed the authorities’ continued initiatives to strengthen the legal framework and the existing supervisory arrangements in place at the CBvS.
Staff’s main work during the mission focused on reviewing further amendments made to the AML/CFT law (Wet ter Voorkoming en bestrijding van Money Laundering en Terrorisme Financiering (WMTF), and a directive developed by the CBvS (“Richtlijn AML/CFT”). Staff also proposed amendments to a newly developed AML/CFT supervision manual (“Handboek AML/CFT Toezicht”) and the set-up of an institutional money laundering/terrorism financing (ML/TF) risk matrix as key components of the CBvS’ AML/CFT supervisory framework.