The Great Rebalancing Act : Can Investment Be a Lever in Asia?

Ensuring stable growth in the postcrisis world economy will require a rebalancing of economic activity in several countries. In Asia's export-dependent economies, this entails relying more on private domestic demand as a driver of growth. While some countries need to raise consumption, several need to raise investment or reorient it from tradable to nontradable sectors. These changes in investment could be facilitated by financial reforms that enhance domestically oriented firms' access to credit, stronger incentives for corporate restructuring, policies to bolster the business climate and reduce uncertainty, and by improvements in infrastructure that raise the returns to private investment.
Publication date: February 2011
ISBN: 9781455217915
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Topics covered in this book

This title contains information about the following subjects. Click on a subject if you would like to see other titles with the same subjects.

Economics- Macroeconomics , Economics / General , International - Economics , capital goods , investment spending , investment rate , venture capital , corporate tax , cost of capital , credit guarantees , capital formation , capital intensity , investors , return on investment , capital markets , fixed capital , capital stock , corporate tax rates , gross fixe
