Uncertainty and the Employment Dynamics of Small and Large Businesses

We examine the impact of uncertainty on employment dynamics. Alternative measures ofuncertainty are constructed based on the survey of professional forecasters, and regressionbasedforecasting models for GDP growth, inflation, S&P500 stock price index, and fuel prices.Our results indicate that greater uncertainty has a negative impact on growth of employment,and the effects are primarily felt by the relatively smaller businesses; the impact on largebusinesses are generally non-existent or weaker. Our results suggest that to truly understand theeffects of uncertainty on employment dynamics, we need to focus on the relatively smaller andentrepreneurial businesses. We discuss implications for the framing of economic policy.
Publication date: January 2015
ISBN: 9781475552515
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Economics- Macroeconomics , Economics / General , International - Economics , uncertainty , employment , small businesses , entrepreneurship , real-options , financing constraints
