Unwinding Financial Sector Interventions

Preconditions and Practical Considerations

As the financial crisis abates, governments are faced with the challenge of balancing the withdrawal of fiscal support with reestablishing sound public finances and sustainable growth. This volume presents papers from an IMF-sponsored conference of senior policymakers, academics, and senior representatives of the private sector on unwinding public interventions initiated during the crisis. There was broad agreement that the main goal of any strategy for unwinding such interventions should be to create price stability, fiscal sustainability, and a new economic landscape that is much safer than currently exists. Different perspectives on the timing and sequence of the exit process are presented and some guiding principles for exit strategies are discussed. Policy objectives, unwinding public support to banks, and dealing with risky assets purchased by central banks are among topics discussed in detail. The volume also presents views on what the new financial landscape will look like.
Publication date: October 2010
ISBN: 9781589069893
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This title contains information about the following subjects. Click on a subject if you would like to see other titles with the same subjects.

Banks and Banking , Economics- Macroeconomics , Public Finance , financial sector , financial institutions , fiscal policy , financial stability , financial system , fiscal stimulus , deposit insurance , inflation , financial markets , liquidity support , fiscal consolidation , bond , financial market , moral hazard , central bank , public debt , ban
