World Economic Outlook, April 2004

Advancing Structural Reforms

The World Economic Outlook, published twice a year in English, French, Spanish, and Arabic, presents IMF staff economists' analyses of global economic developments during the near and medium term. Chapters give an overview of the world economy; consider issues affecting industrial countries, and economics in transition to market; and address topics of pressing current interest. Annexes, boxes, charts, and an extensive statistical appendix augment the text.
Publication date: April 2004
ISBN: 9781589063372
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Topics covered in this book

This title contains information about the following subjects. Click on a subject if you would like to see other titles with the same subjects.

Economics- Macroeconomics , International - Economics , Public Policy , debt , interest , payments , public debt , external financing , external debt , credit booms , unemployment , debtor countries , deficits , domestic demand , current account balance , balance of payments , terms of trade , employment , commodity prices , creditors , taxes , liabilities , loan
